But why don't I wait until I'm in college?


But why don't I wait until I'm in college?

My son asked my why start now, when in college they'll teach him what he needs to succeed and learn core competency. That was a tough question to answer in a way that connected him to his goals, and was easily understood. This post is helping me understand it better.


Where the time goes


Where the time goes

I stopped writing for a bit and wanted to examine why. The answer, I think, wasn't exactly surprising but the best answers often times aren't surprising. The only thing surprising about the answers that move us forward is how simple they can be. I'm happier now, and hopefully I'm back to a regular writing habit. 


Why I can't believe in Lean Startup


Why I can't believe in Lean Startup

Over the last 2 years, I've pursued building products and businesses but more importantly building up myself. The Lean Startup came highly recommended and I see why, but it's just not for me. I struggled to understand or articulate exactly why, until I read Reinventing Organizations.


2015 Areas of Focus


2015 Areas of Focus

Each year I sit down and decide what is most important to focus on. I balance my desires and ambitions with my capabilities, and how I want to improve myself and relationships to others. Here are my 2015 Areas of Focus.


Is it really the tool?


Is it really the tool?

How often do I complain about the inconsequential? Way too often. I find the faults to justify my own failures to complete tasks. Why do I do this? It's because I wasn't asking myself the right questions. It isn't the tools fault.


Eisenhower, Master of Priorities


Eisenhower, Master of Priorities

President Dwight Eisenhower was an amazing visionary and was able to share that vision and excitement with others to accomplish amazing things: the Interstates, DARPA, and the mandate for peaceful space exploration and the formation of NASA.

How did he accomplish so much in a time of such great urgency? He knew how to prioritize better than anybody else.


Clean Your Sink


Clean Your Sink

We make countless decisions at all hours of the day, our work pulls is in one direction and our passions in another. Then we have families, chores, and many other responsibilities. These things build up, they leave behind a residue even after we take care of them. We need to clean that residue away.


Gratitude isn't Praise

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Gratitude isn't Praise

It's a jumbled world where we confuse gratitude, praise, and flattery. There is a time for each, except flattery. Well, maybe flattery if you sell cars. It's difficult to distinguish the two and it requires practice.

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Finding the Third Peak


Finding the Third Peak

The path of success and leadership lies not in compromise but convergence. The only way to find this convergence is to let go of your own ambitions, and find a new, shared goal that incorporates everyone's strengths and desires.


A Hiatus


A Hiatus

Taking three months of writing and other projects was good, but now it's time to ramp back up. Dealing with the failure of a startup, the expectations unfulfilled, and overcoming fear to find new allies.



Atlassian is my ___________

Atlassian, the software company that makes JIRA, held a conference where a senior employee committed yet another offense that drives women from tech. What could they do better in response? 
